The Quest for a Deeper Reality
I consider my life-work to be an authentic, logical quest to discover the deeper truth of reality. I grew up with the reductive materialist, nihilistic worldview that was the basis of my secular, East Coast culture. In my late twenties, I found this unbearable. I went on a quest to see if there was “anything else”: Any possibilities of consciousness or psychic life beyond the limits of what we knew. I traveled to indigenous cultures like the Bwiti in Gabon, the Secoya in Ecuador, and the Mazatec in Oaxaca for initiation with visionary plant sacraments including Iboga, ayahuasca, and mushrooms.
What I discovered amazed me: A vast ecology of consciousness beyond what modern Western culture knows or believes to be possible. One door opened, leading to the next. For my second book, I explored the sacred knowledge held by indigenous cultures, often in the shape of prophecies about humanity’s future. When I understood the meaning of these predictions, I proposed a new paradigm and new path for our destructive society.
My quest is ongoing. I hope you will join me on it.